Cover Art Contest

The Journal Committee at the Center for Writing and Speaking (CWS) is pleased to launch its first cover art contest for The Onyx Review: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal at Agnes Scott College! All currently enrolled undergraduate students at Agnes Scott College are welcome to submit their original artwork. The winning piece will be featured on the cover of the Fall 2019Spring 2020 issue of The Onyx Review; the winner will receive a cash prize of $50.

Artwork submission must meet the following guidelines:

  1. Be a professional art piece suitable for an academic journal, preferably featuring an abstract design.
  2. Be an original work created by the submitter and not involving copyrighted images.
  3. Be submitted digitally in at least 300 dpi resolution and at least 2700 by 3450 pixels.
  4. Upon submission, submitters must agree to allow the Journal Committee to edit their artwork to include cover text (title of the journal, issue number etc.).

*The submitter retains all rights to the artwork.

Please see the Fall 2017Spring 2018 issue of The Onyx Review as an example:

To submit your artwork, please email with the subject line “CWS Journal Cover Art Submission” and attach your artwork (JPEG or PNG file) along with a completed submission form. Please save your artwork as “LastName.FirstInitial.” Submissions are due Friday, February 14th, by 11:59 P.M., EST.  

Download (DOCX, 31KB)