Spring 2017

Dear Reader,

Welcome to Volume 2, Issue 2 of The Onyx Review: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal at Agnes Scott College, a peer- and faculty-reviewed journal!  This issue of The Onyx Review exudes an especially interdisciplinary theme, spanning topics from mathematics to philosophy to English to public health.  Interdisciplinary dialogue creates bridges between thought processes, and exemplifies the goals of a liberal arts education.  As Yale University notes, a liberal arts education is meant to guide students in learning both broadly and deeply.  Indeed, this issue of The Onyx covers both breadth and depth.

Our journal committee at the Center for Writing and Speaking at Agnes Scott College would like to offer many thanks to our director, Dr. Christine Cozzens, and our coordinator, Dr. Mina Ivanova, for their continued support and guidance.  We would also like to thank our current committee members Abigail Biles and Ciel Zhang, and acknowledge our absentee members, Zoe Howard and Anna Tan, who are studying abroad this semester; we would like to extend a thank you to Zoe Howard for her technological assistance. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the many faculty and student reviewers who contributed their valuable time and expertise.


Happy reading,

Abi signature 

Abigail A. Camden



This is the spring journal for the 2016-2017 academic year. Below are the papers included in this volume, in alphabetical order by author.