Dear Reader,
We are thrilled to bring you Volume 4, Issue 2 of The Onyx Review: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal at Agnes Scott College, a peer- and faculty-reviewed journal. This issue’s subjects range from English literature to political science.
The Journal Committee at the Center for Writing and Speaking at Agnes Scott College would like to offer many thanks to our directors Dr. Christine Cozzens and Dr. Mina Ivanova, as well as our coordinator Imani Young Bey for their continued support and guidance in the publication of this journal. We would also like to extend thanks to our current committee members Lyrik Courtney, Alex Fallon, Alice Mawi, Taelyn Reid, and Jasmyn Stamper for their respective contributions that made this volume possible. Of course, this journal would not exist without the authors and submitters, to whom we are grateful. Lastly, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the many faculty and student reviewers who devoted their valuable time and expertise.
Happy reading!
Sarah Waites and Yuxin Zheng
- “Vegetative and Minimally Conscious State: A Review of Neurological Processes” by Jasmine Berry
- “From Earth Mother to Sexy Lamp: The Unfortunate Reboot of Star Trek’s Carol Marcus” by Anna Dodds
- “La tragedia de una quimera imposible” by Destinee Grover
- “Pirates, Jews, and Pirate Jews: The Relationship of Jews and Pirates in the Development of Colonial Jamaica” by Zoe J. Katz
- “The Gill and Siphon Withdrawal Reflex in Aplysia californica” by Eman F. Khwaja
- “Buddhist Fictionalism” by Julia Miller
- “Revolutionary, Government Official, or Terrorist?” by Tatiana Nigh
- “Failure to Adapt to Changing Times” by Sarah Waites
- “Breaking Gender Norms in Mine Okubo’s Citizen 13660 “ by Yuxin Zheng
- “Civil Wars through a Public Health Lens” by Xiaobin Zhou